Introduction Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is the rate at which the red blood cells...
Abstract Blood smears are made to give an overview picture of the number, cell...
Introduction Red blood cell Indices are a group of tests done to identify and...
Abstract Estimation of RBCs is done to determine whether one has Erythrocytosis or Polycythemia...
What is Haematocrit (Packed Cell Volume-PCV)? Haematocrit (also called Packed Cell Volume) is the...
What is Haemoglobin estimation? Haemoglobin estimation is a laboratory procedure that involves measuring the...
What is Process control? Process control in the laboratory refers to a group of...
What is urinalysis? Urinalysis is a urine test that checks at a small sample...
Definition of D-Dimer D-Dimer is generated as a specific soluble degradation product during fibrinolysis....
Introduction Coombs test procedure detects for antibodies that can stick to the red blood...